The Bostonians: 8 (The Cambridge Edition of the Complete Fiction of Henry James, Series Number 8)
The Bougainville Photoplay Project
The Boundaries of Freedom: Slavery, Abolition, and the Making of Modern Brazil (Afro-Latin America)
The Boy in the Bush (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence)
The Brain and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroanatomy
The Briennes: The Rise and Fall of a Champenois Dynasty in the Age of the Crusades, c. 950–1356
The British Home Front and the First World War
The British Monarchy and Ireland: 1800 to the Present
The Broken Ladder: The Paradox and Potential of India's One-Billion
The Bronze Object in the Middle Ages
The Burglar Who Counted the Spoons - Large Print (Bernie Rhodenbarr Mysteries)
The Burning of the Books
The Business Community of Seventeenth-Century England
The Business of Projects: Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems
The Business of Research: RCA and the VideoDisc (Studies in Economic History and Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century)
The Calculus of Braids: An Introduction, and Beyond: 100 (London Mathematical Society Student Texts, Series Number 100)
The Call of the Holy: Heidegger - Chauvet - Benedict XVI (T&T Clark Studies in Fundamental Liturgy)
The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume 13
The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: Volume 4, 1800–1900 (The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 3, Series Number 4)
The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes
The Cambridge Companion to 'Emma' (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to 'Lyrical Ballads' (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to African American Theatre (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope (Cambridge Companions to Literature)