The Case for Case Studies: Methods and Applications in International Development (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
The Catch: An Environmental History of Medieval European Fisheries (Studies in Environment and History)
The Caucasus: A History
The Celtic Languages (Cambridge Language Surveys)
The Chain of Change: A Study of Aristotle's Physics VII (Cambridge Classical Studies)
The Challenge of Grand Strategy: The Great Powers and the Broken Balance between the World Wars
The Changing Face of the Channel Islands Occupation: Record, Memory and Myth
The Changing Flow of Energy Through the Climate System
The Changing Organization: Agency Theory in a Cross-Cultural Context
The Changing Role of the Embryo in Evolutionary Thought: Roots of Evo-Devo (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)
The Chaplains of the East India Company, 1601-1858
The Characteristic Symphony in the Age of Haydn and Beethoven: 7 (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, Series Number 7)
The Chemistry of Enamines (Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
The Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Harem: From African Slave to Power-Broker
The Chief Governors: The Rise and Fall of Reform Government in Tudor Ireland 1536–1588 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
The China Code: What’s Left for Us?
The China Fallacy: How the U.S. Can Benefit from China's Rise and Avoid Another Cold War
The China-Hong Kong Connection: The Key to China's Open Door Policy (Trade and Development)
The Chinese Communist Party: A Century in Ten Lives
The Chinese Corporate Ecosystem
The Chinese Taste in Eighteenth-Century England