Bayesian Methods for Interaction and Design
Bayesian Optimization
Bazaar and State in Iran: The Politics of the Tehran Marketplace: 26 (Cambridge Middle East Studies, Series Number 26)
Beach and Dune Restoration
Beckett: "Molloy": 48 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)
Becoming a Parent: Contemporary Contexts and Challenges during the Transition to Parenthood
Becoming an Archaeologist: A Guide to Professional Pathways
Beethoven Studies 4 (Cambridge Composer Studies)
Beethoven's Piano Playing: With An Essay On The Execution Of The Trill (Dover Books on Music: Composers)
Before Fidel: The Cuba I Remember
Before I Sleep: A Memoir of Travel and Reconciliation
Beginning iOS Game Center and Game Kit: For iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Beginning JavaFX (Expert's Voice in Java Technology)
Beginning OpenOffice Calc: From Setting Up Simple Spreadsheets to Business Forecasting
Beginning Rails 3 (Expert's Voice in Web Development)
Beginning with Braille: A Balanced Approach to Literacy
Behavioral Economics for Cost-Benefit Analysis: Benefit Validity When Sovereign Consumers Seem to Make Mistakes
Behavioral Law and Economics (Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making)
Being a Historian: An Introduction to the Professional World of History
Being Alexander
Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire
Being You: The Body Image Book for Boys
Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf
Beleagured in Peking