Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua to Marguerite Porete
Women's Health During and After Pregnancy: A Theory-based Study of Adaptation to Change
Women's International Thought: A New History
Women's International Thought: Towards a New Canon
Women's Movements Facing the Reconfigured State
Women's Rights and Global Socialism: Volume 30, Part 1 (International Review of Social History Supplements)
Women's Rights in Armed Conflict under International Law
Women's Work: Labour, Gender, Authorship, 1750-1830
Women, Crime and Punishment in Ireland: Life in the Nineteenth-Century Convict Prison
Women, Family, and Child Care in India: A World in Transition
Women, Literature, and the Arts of the Countryside in Early Twentieth-Century England
Women, Property, and Confucian Reaction in Sung and Yüan China (960–1368) (Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature and Institutions)
Women, Writing, and Travel in the Eighteenth Century
Word Visions
Word vs Image: Cognitive Hunger in Shakespeare’s England
Word-Formation in English (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
Words Matter: Meaning and Power
Words on Fire: Eloquence and Its Conditions
Wordsworth and the Art of Philosophical Travel: 113 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 113)
Wordsworth and the Poetics of Air: 121 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 121)
Wordsworth's Biblical Ghosts
Work, Sex and Power: The Forces that Shaped Our History
Workbook with Audio CD and CD-ROM (Bk. 3) (Framework)
Worker Representation and Workplace Health and Safety