Child Abuse and Neglect: The School's Response (The Guilford School Practitioner Series)
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Components of Evidence-Based Treatments for Youth and their Parents
Child Custody in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
Child Language: Acquisition and Growth (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
Child Slavery before and after Emancipation: An Argument for Child-Centered Slavery Studies (Slaveries since Emancipation)
Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Ruthlessly Targets Children
Childhood, Education and the Stage in Early Modern England
Children Acting on Television (Stage & costume)
Children and Organised Sport (Protecting Children and Young People)
Children in Poverty: Child Development and Public Policy
Children's Books of Yesterday
Children's Surgical Nursing: Principles and Practices
Chimpanzee: Lessons from our Sister Species
China and India in the Age of Globalization
China and International Dispute Resolution in the Context of the 'Belt and Road Initiative'
China and the International Human Rights Regime: 1982–2017
China and the Victorian Imagination: Empires Entwined: 85 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 85)
China Calling: A Foot in the Global Door
China in the World Market: Chinese Industry and International Sources of Reform in the Post-Mao Era (Cambridge Modern China Series)
China's Crisis Behavior: Political Survival and Foreign Policy after the Cold War
China's Early Empires: A Re-appraisal: 67 (University of Cambridge Oriental Publications, Series Number 67)
China, India and the Future of International Society: 1
China’s Management Revolution: Spirit, land, energy (International Management Knowledge)
Chinese 101 in Cartoons - For Travelers