Creativity: An Introduction
Crebillon Fils: "Les Egarements du Coeur et de L'esprit": No. 123 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)
Credibility in Court: Communicative Practices in the Camorra Trials: 14 (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics, Series Number 14)
Credit Risk (Mastering Mathematical Finance)
Credit, Investments and the Macroeconomy: A Few Open Issues
Crime and Criminology
Crime and Punishment in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century: 2 (Themes in Islamic Law, Series Number 2)
Crime at Work Vol 1: Studies in Security and Crime Prevention
Crime, Deviance and Society: An Introduction to Sociological Criminology
Criminal Copyright
Criminal Jurisdiction over Armed Forces Abroad
Crinoid Feeding Strategies: New Insights From Subsea Video And Time-Lapse (Elements of Paleontology)
Crisis Management during the Roman Republic: The Role of Political Institutions in Emergencies
Critical Assembly: A Technical History of Los Alamos during the Oppenheimer Years, 1943–1945
Critical Care Compendium: 1001 Topics in Intensive Care and Acute Medicine
Critical Care in Obstetrics
Critical Care of the Burned Patient
Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture
Critical Condition: American Culture at the Crossroads (Contemporary Artists and their Critics)
Critical Excitation Methods in Earthquake Engineering
Critical Guides to French Literature: Anouilh: L'alouette/Pauvre Bitos (Critical Guides to French Texts)
Critical Guides to French Literature: Chretien de Troyes: Erec et Enide (Critical Guides to French Texts)
Critical Guides to French Literature: Chretien de Troyes: Perceval: 98 (Critical Guides to French Texts)
Critical Guides to French Literature: Cocteau: Les enfants terribles (Grant & Cutler Critical Guides to French Texts)