Education and Minorities (Education as a Humanitarian Response)
Education in the Broader Middle East: borrowing a baroque arsenal
Education, Training and Labour Market Outcomes in Europe
Effective Field Theories
Effective Medical Leadership
Efficiency Wage Models of the Labor Market
Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean World: From Constantinople to Baghdad, 500-1000 CE (Elements in Corpus Linguistics)
Egypt and the Second Palestinian Intifada: Policymaking with Multifaceted Commitments
Egypt, Islam, and the University: A Study of the Collective Conscience
Egyptian Book of the Dead, The: The Papyrus of Ani (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science
Egyptology Today
Eight Centuries of Troubadours and Trouvères: The Changing Identity of Medieval Music (Musical Performance and Reception)
Einstein's Unification
Einstein's Watch: being an unofficial record of a year's most ownable things
El condenado por desconfiado & La ninfa del cielo / Convicted for Suspicious & The Nymph of Heaven (Letras Hispanicas / Hispanic Writings, 617)
Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt
Elections in Hard Times: Building Stronger Democracies in the 21st Century
Elections without Order: Russia's Challenge to Vladimir Putin
Elections, Protest, and Authoritarian Regime Stability: Russia 2008–2020
Electoral Systems and the Balance of Consumer-Producer Power (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Electric Railway Motors: Their Construction, Operation and Maintenance. an Elementary Practical Handbook ... With Rules and Instructions for Motormen
Electrical Counting: With Special Reference to Counting Alpha and Beta Particles
Electricity Restructuring in the United States: Markets and Policy from the 1978 Energy Act to the Present