Performing Anti-Slavery: Activist Women on Antebellum Stages
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Pictorial History of Striptease
Popular Musical Theatre in London and Berlin: 1890 to 1939
Pronouncing Shakespeare: The Globe Experiment
Restoration Drama and 'The Circle of Commerce': Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century
Restoration Plays and Players: An Introduction
Roman Republican Theatre
Romantic and Revolutionary Theatre, 1789–1860 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Romeo and Juliet: Romeo and Juliet 2ed (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Shakespeare and Dickens: The Dynamics of Influence
Shakespeare and Social Dialogue: Dramatic Language and Elizabethan Letters
Shakespeare's History Plays: Performance, Translation and Adaptation in Britain and Abroad
Sport in Australian Drama
Staging Conventions in Medieval English Theatre
Strindberg and Modernist Theatre: Post-Inferno Drama on the Stage
Subjectivity and Subjugation in Seventeenth-Century Drama and Prose: The Family Romance of French Classicism: 36 (Cambridge Studies in French, Series Number 36)
The Cambridge Companion to Sam Shepard (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to the Actress (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge Companion to the Musical (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century Irish Drama (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain
The Cambridge Introduction to Early Modern Drama, 1576–1642 (Cambridge Introductions to Literature)
The Dramatic Works: in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon: 6