New Essays on The Sound and the Fury (The American Novel)
Poe and the Printed Word: 124 (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, Series Number 124)
Poetics of Character: Transatlantic Encounters 1700–1900: 102 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 102)
Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain, 1760-1830 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
Pragmatism and American Experience: An Introduction
Protestantism and Drama in Early Modern England
Reading Class through Shakespeare, Donne, and Milton
Reading Heinrich Heine (Cambridge Studies in German)
Robert Frost in Context (Literature in Context)
Romantic Vagrancy: Wordsworth and the Simulation of Freedom (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
Romanticism and the Emotions
Romanticism and the Human Sciences: Poetry, Population, and the Discourse of the Species: 41 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 41)
Romanticism, Revolution and Language: The Fate of the Word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot
Samuel Johnson in Context (Literature in Context)
Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century
Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century
Shakespeare Performance Studies
Shakespeare Survey: A Sixty-Year Cumulative Index
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 59, Editing Shakespeare (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 59)
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 62, Close Encounters with Shakespeare's Text (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 62)
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 63, Shakespeare's English Histories and their Afterlives (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 63)
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 66, Working with Shakespeare
Shakespeare, 'A Lover's Complaint', and John Davies of Hereford
Sherlock Holmes Compendium