Political Representation
Popular Support for an Undemocratic Regime
Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe
Postcommunist Presidents
Practices of Freedom: Decentred Governance, Conflict and Democratic Participation
Recovering Liberties: Indian Thought in the Age of Liberalism and Empire: 100 (Ideas in Context, Series Number 100)
Saddam Hussein’s Ba’th Party: Inside an Authoritarian Regime
Securities against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections
Semi-Citizenship in Democratic Politics
Socialist Planning
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
The Battle against Anarchist Terrorism: An International History, 1878–1934
The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires (New Studies in European History)
The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy's Future
The Legacies of Law: Long-run Consequences of Legal Development in South Africa, 1652-2000
The Myth of Presidential Representation
The New Middle East: Protest And Revolution In The Arab World
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 2: 16 November 1809 to 11 August 1810: 16 November 1809 to 11 August 1810 v. 2
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
The Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America: Advances and Setbacks
Understanding Popular Violence in the English Revolution: The Colchester Plunderers (Past and Present Publications)
Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland
Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy