Countering Terrorism in Britain and France
Deficits, Debt, and the New Politics of Tax Policy
Deliberative Systems: Deliberative Democracy at the Large Scale (Theories of Institutional Design)
Democratic Devices and Desires (Theories of Institutional Design)
Democratization and Research Methods: The Methodology of Comparative Politics (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
Discount Voting: Voter Registration Reforms and their Effects
Domestic Law Goes Global
Electoral Engineering: Voting Rules and Political Behavior (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Emergencies and Politics: A Sober Hobbesian Approach
Enacting European Citizenship
Enduring Injustice
Enterprising States: The Public Management of Welfare-to-Work
Ethnic Minority Migrants in Britain and France: Integration Trade-Offs
Ethnic Struggle, Coexistence, and Democratization in Eastern Europe (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)
Euros and Europeans: Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society
Everyday Politics of the World Economy
Fichte: Addresses to the German Nation (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Follies of Power: America's Unipolar Fantasy
Foreign Investments and Political Regimes
From Elections to Democracy: Building Accountable Government in Hungary and Poland
From International to World Society?: English School Theory and the Social Structure of Globalisation: 95 (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)
From War to Democracy: Dilemmas of Peacebuilding
Global Burden of Armed Violence 2011: Lethal Encounters
Global Crises and the Crisis of Global Leadership