Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence, Survival, and Fall
Democracy and Media Decadence
Democratic Decline and Democratic Renewal: Political Change in Britain, Australia and New Zealand
Dialogue, Politics and Gender
Diglossia and Language Contact: Language Variation and Change in North Africa (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact)
Discourse and Knowledge: A Sociocognitive Approach
Edward Said and the Religious Effects of Culture (Cambridge Studies in Religion and Critical Thought)
Endangered Languages: Language Loss and Community Response
English as a Global Language, Second Edition (Canto Classics)
English Radicalism, 1550–1850: Tradition or Fabrication?
Europe's Contending Identities
Formal Models of Domestic Politics (Analytical Methods for Social Research)
Freedom Is Power: Liberty through Political Representation (Contemporary Political Theory)
Hierarchical Capitalism in Latin America: Business, Labor, And The Challenges Of Equitable Development (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
History of the American Abolitionist Movement: A Collection of Scholarly Articles Illustrating Its History: 5 Volume Set
How to Do Things with Rules: A Primer of Interpretation (Law in Context)
Information Theory and Coding by Example
Interactions across Englishes: Linguistic Choices in Local and International Contact Situations (Studies in English Language)
Introduction to Comparative Politics: The State and its Challenges
Language and Gender
Language Contact in the Early Colonial Pacific: Maritime Polynesian Pidgin before Pidgin English (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact)
Language Development and Age
Law and Society in Vietnam: The Transition from Socialism in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)