The Brazilian Popular Church and the Crisis of Modernity (Cambridge Studies in Ideology and Religion)
The Cambridge Companion to American Methodism (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
The Cambridge Companion to Pentecostalism (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
The Cambridge Companion to the Cistercian Order (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology
The Cambridge Dictionary of Judaism and Jewish Culture
The Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought (The Cambridge History of Political Thought)
The Cambridge History of Religion in the Ancient World : Volume 2 From the Hellenistic Age to Late Antiquity
The City in the Classical and Post-Classical World: Changing Contexts of Power and Identity
The Coming Crisis: The Impact of Eschatology on Theology in Edwardian England (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement)
The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Early Modern Germany: Protestant and Catholic Piety, 1500–1648 (Past and Present Publications)
The Death of Herod: An Essay in the Sociology of Religion
The Dutch Revolt and Catholic Exile in Reformation Europe
The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity: Allah and His People
The England of Piers Plowman: William Langland and his Vision of the Fourteenth Century
The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things (The Evolution of Modern Philosophy)
The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense Of Things (The Evolution of Modern Philosophy)
The First French Reformation: Church Reform and the Origins of the Old Regime
The Image of St Francis: Responses to Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century
The Inquisition: A Global History 1478-1834 (Past and Present Publications)
The Jew, the Cathedral and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century
The Languages of the Jews
The Making of the Modern Canon: Genesis and Crisis of a Literary Idea (Vision, Division & Revision: the Athlone Series on Canons)
The Making of the Monastic Community of Fulda, c.744ÔÇôc.900 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)