Information Theory and Coding by Example
Infrared Characteristic Group Frequencies, 3rd Edition
Injury Control: A Guide to Research and Program Evaluation
Insect Hydrocarbons: Biology, Biochemistry, and Chemical Ecology
Insect Pest Management and Ecological Research
Insect Species Conservation (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)
Integrated Pest Management in Tropics: Current Status and Future Prospects
Inter-Basin Water Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States, Canada, China and India (International Hydrology Series)
International Structural Steel Sections: Design Tables According to EC3
International Wildfowl Inquiry: Volume 1, Factors Affecting the General Status of Wild Geese and Wild Duck
Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays
Intro Chemistry Environmental 2ed: 7 (Cambridge Environmental Chemistry Series, Series Number 7)
Intro Optics Lasers in Engineering
Introduction to Compact Riemann Surfaces and Dessins d-Enfants (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Introduction to Computational Materials Science: Fundamentals to Applications
Introduction to Elasticity Theory for Crystal Defects
Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics
Introduction to Geomagnetic Fields
Introduction to Modern Climate Change
Introduction to Numerical Geodynamic Modelling
Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology
Introduction to Quantum Theory
Introduction to Stellar Winds