Arithmetic Optimization Techniques for Hardware and Software Design
Armed Actors: Organised Violence and State Failure in Latin America: Organized Violence and State Failure in Latin America
Armed Conflict and Displacement (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
Armed Conflict and Displacement: The Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons under International Humanitarian Law: 95 (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Series Number 95)
Armed with Sword and Scales: Law, Culture, and Local Courtrooms in London, 1860–1913 (Studies in Legal History)
Armenian Christians in Iran: Ethnicity, Religion, and Identity in the Islamic Republic
Arms and the University: Military Presence and the Civic Education of Non-Military Students
Army and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt (Armies of the Ancient World)
Around Fareham in Old Photographs (Britain in Old Photographs)
Around the World in Eighty Meals
ARPACK Users' Guide: Solution of Large-Scale Eigenvalue Problems with Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Methods (Software, Environments and Tools, Series Number 6)
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly: Volume 3, Part 4: v. 3
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly: Volume 5, Part 4
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly: Volume 6, Part 1
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly: Volume 6, Part 2: v. 6
Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love
Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post-Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia
Arsenic in the Environment: Cycling and Characterization Pt.1 (Advances in Environmental Science and Technology)
Art and Artists in China since 1949 (The Cambridge China Library)
Art and Cultural Heritage: Law, Policy and Practice
Art and History: Images and Their Meaning (Studies in Interdisciplinary History)
Art and Identity in Scotland: A Cultural History from the Jacobite Rising of 1745 to Walter Scott: 25 (Cambridge Social and Cultural Histories)
Art and Immortality in the Ancient Near East