Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece
Arvo Pärt's Resonant Texts: Choral and Organ Music 1956–2015
Arvo Pärt's White Light: Media, Culture, Politics
As Terrorism Evolves: Media, Religion, and Governance
As the Chinese See Us
As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Us About the Sustainability of Peace and Transitional Justice
As You Like It (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Asceticism in the Graeco-Roman World (Key Themes in Ancient History)
Asean as an Actor in International Fora (Integration through Law:The Role of Law and the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration)
ASEAN Champions: Emerging Stalwarts in Regional Integration
ASEAN Law in the New Regional Economic Order: Global Trends and Shifting Paradigms
Asean's External Agreements: Law, Practice and the Quest for Collective Action (Integration through Law:The Role of Law and the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration, Series Number 4)
Ashes and Sparks: Essays On Law and Justice
Asia after the Developmental State: Disembedding Autonomy (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Public Policy)
Asia-Pacific Constitutional Systems (Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies)
Asia-Pacific Judiciaries: Independence, Impartiality and Integrity
Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law
Asia-Pacific Strategic Relations: Seeking Convergent Security (Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies)