The Politics of Chemistry: Science and Power in Twentieth-Century Spain (Science in History)
The Politics of Child Support in America
The Politics of China, Third Edition: Sixty Years of The People's Republic of China
The Politics of Common Sense: State, Society and Culture in Pakistan
The Politics of Commonwealth: Citizens and Freemen in Early Modern England (Cambridge Social and Cultural Histories)
The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modern History)
The Politics of Competence: Parties, Public Opinion and Voters
The Politics of Corruption in Dictatorships
The Politics of Court Reform: Judicial Change and Legal Culture in Indonesia
The Politics of Crisis in Europe
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership under Pressure
The Politics of Crisis Management: Public Leadership Under Pressure
The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology
The Politics of Economic Decline: Economic Management and Political Behaviour in Britian since 1964
The Politics of Economic Stagnation in the Soviet Union: The Role of Local Party Organs in Economic Management: 88 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, Series Number 88)
The Politics of Environmental Performance: Institutions and Preferences in Industrialized Democracies
The Politics of Evil African Edition: Magic, State Power and the Political Imagination in South Africa: 103 (African Studies, Series Number 103)
The Politics of Exile in Latin America
The Politics of Exile in Renaissance Italy (Cambridge Studies in Italian History and Culture)
The Politics of Fertility in Twentieth-Century Berlin