The Politics of the European Union (Cambridge Textbooks in Comparative Politics)
The Politics of the First World War: A Course in Game Theory and International Security
The Politics of the Human (The Seeley Lectures)
The Politics of the Past in Early China
The Politics of Unfree Labour in Russia: Human Trafficking and Labour Migration
The Politics of Work–Family Policies: Comparing Japan, France, Germany and the United States
The Politics of Writing: Julia Kavanagh, 1824-77
The Polyphonic Mass in France, 1600–1780: The Evidence of the Printed Choirbooks
The Poor's Struggle for Political Incorporation: The Piquetero Movement in Argentina (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)
The Popular Front and Central Europe: The Dilemmas of French Impotence 1918-1940
The Popular Theater
The Portable Mentor: Expert Guide to a Successful Career in Psychology
The Portrait of a Lady (The Cambridge Edition of the Complete Fiction of Henry James)
The Portuguese in India: 1 (The New Cambridge History of India)
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte: Volume 1 (Cambridge Library Collection - Science and Religion)
The Positive Second Amendment: Rights, Regulation, and the Future of Heller (Cambridge Studies on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties)
The Post-Modern and the Post-Industrial: A Critical Analysis
The Posthumous Works of Mrs Chapone: The Posthumous Works of Mrs Chapone: Containing Her Correspondence with Mr Richardson, a Series of ... Library Collection - Literary Studies)(Volume 1)
The Potatoes of South America: Bolivia
The Potential Distribution Theorem and Models of Molecular Solutions