The Slavic Languages
The Slavic Languages (Cambridge Language Surveys)
The Sleeping Sovereign: The Invention of Modern Democracy (The Seeley Lectures)
The Slow Fall of Babel: Languages and Identities in Late Antique Christianity
The Slumber of Apollo: Reflections on Recent Art, Literature, Language and the Individual Consciousness
The Smell of Slavery: Olfactory Racism and the Atlantic World
The Smoking Gun
The Snares of Death
The Social Archaeology of Food: Thinking about Eating from Prehistory to the Present
The Social Archaeology of the Levant: From Prehistory to the Present
The Social Architecture of French Cinema: 1929-39 (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures): 1929–1939: 34
The Social Bases of Nazism, 1919-1933: 48 (New Studies in Economic and Social History, Series Number 48)
The Social Construction of Intellectual Disability
The Social Context of Nonverbal Behavior (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
The Social Costs of Underemployment: Inadequate Employment as Disguised Unemployment
The Social Dynamics of Roman Imperial Imagery
The Social Foundations of World Trade (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)
The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution (The Wiles Lectures)
The Social Life of Emotions (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
The Social Life of Greylag Geese: Patterns, Mechanisms and Evolutionary Function in an Avian Model System
The Social Life of Hagiography in the Merovingian Kingdom (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)
The Social Life of Opium in China