The Spectral Piano: From Liszt, Scriabin, and Debussy to the Digital Age (Music since 1900)
The Spectrum of Psychotic Disorders: Neurobiology, Etiology & Pathogenesis
The Spectrum of Psychotic Disorders: Neurobiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis
The Sperm Cell: Production, Maturation, Fertilization, Regeneration
The Spirit of Hindu Law
The Spirit of Mourning: History, Memory and the Body
The Spiritual Imagination of the Beats
The Splintering of Spain: Cultural History and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939
The Spook (Currency Plays)
The Stability of Matter in Quantum Mechanics
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto
The Stalinist Era (New Approaches to European History)
The Stalinist Era: 57 (New Approaches to European History, Series Number 57)
The Standard ML Basis Library
The Standard Model: A Primer
The Standard of Living (Tanner Lectures in Human Values)
The State and Economic Knowledge: The American and British Experiences (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)
The State and International Relations (Themes in International Relations)