Before Copyright: The French Book-Privilege System 1498–1526 (Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History)
Before Dred Scott: Slavery and Legal Culture in the American Confluence, 1787–1857 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society)
Before Fidel: The Cuba I Remember
Before George Eliot (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Before George Eliot: Marian Evans and the Periodical Press: 88 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 88)
Before I Sleep: A Memoir of Travel and Reconciliation
Before Mestizaje: The Frontiers of Race and Caste in Colonial Mexico: 105 (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Series Number 105)
Before Newton: The Life and Times of Isaac Barrow
Beginning iOS Game Center and Game Kit: For iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Beginning JavaFX (Expert's Voice in Java Technology)
Beginning OpenOffice Calc: From Setting Up Simple Spreadsheets to Business Forecasting
Beginning Rails 3 (Expert's Voice in Web Development)
Beginning with Braille: A Balanced Approach to Literacy
Behavior Dynamics in Media-Sharing Social Networks
Behavioral and Psychopharmacologic Pain Management (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover))
Behavioral Economics for Cost-Benefit Analysis: Benefit Validity When Sovereign Consumers Seem to Make Mistakes
Behavioral Emergencies for the Emergency Physician
Behavioral Expressions and Biosocial Bases of Sensation Seeking
Behavioral Genetics of the Fly (Drosophila Melanogaster) (Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics)
Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse: Volume 1, Genetics of Behavioral Phenotypes (Cambridge Handbooks in Behavioral Genetics)
Behavioral Law and Economics (Cambridge Series on Judgment and Decision Making)
Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry
Behavioral Rationality and Heterogeneous Expectations in Complex Economic Systems
Behavioral Social Choice: Probabilistic Models, Statistical Inference, and Applications