Black Saint of the Americas: The Life and Afterlife of Martín de Porres: 99 (Cambridge Latin American Studies, Series Number 99)
Black Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism
Black Shakespeare: Reading and Misreading Race
Black Woman’s Burden: Commodifying Black Reproduction
Black Women and International Law
Black-Latino Relations in U.S. National Politics: Beyond Conflict or Cooperation
Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age
Blacks of the Land: Indian Slavery, Settler Society, and the Portuguese Colonial Enterprise in South America (Cambridge Latin American Studies)
Blackstone in America
Blackstone's Sale and Supply of Goods and Services
Blair's Britain, 1997-2007
Blair's Britain, 1997–2007
Blake, Kierkegaard, and the Spectre of Dialectic
Blasco Ibanez: "La Barraca": 7 (Critical Guides to Spanish Texts S.)
Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression: Comparative, Theoretical and Historical Reflections after the Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Blender 2.5 Character Animation Cookbook
Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines
Blindness and Writing (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Blitzkrieg No Longer: The German Wehrmacht in Battle, 1943
Blockchain Democracy: Technology, Law and the Rule of the Crowd
Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe