Caribbean Revolutions: Cold War Armed Movements
Caricaturing Culture in India
Caricaturing Culture in India: Cartoons and History in the Modern World
Carl Goerdeler and the Jewish Question, 1933-1942
Carl Schmitt's International Thought: Order and Orientation
Carl von Clausewitz's On War: A modern-day interpretation of a strategy classic (Infinite Success)
Carmen Abroad: Bizet's Opera on the Global Stage
Carnal Commerce in Counter-Reformation Rome (New Studies in European History)
Carnal Knowledge: Regulating Sex in England, 1470-1600 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
Carnal Knowledge: Regulating Sex in England, 1470–1600 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
Carnap, Quine, and Putnam on Methods of Inquiry
Carnarvonshire (Cambridge County Geographies)
Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics 4 Volume Paperback Set: Measuring and Modeling the Universe: Volume 2
Carnivoran Evolution: New Views on Phylogeny, Form and Function (Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New Paradigms in Evolutionary Bio)
Carolingian Catalonia: Politics, Culture, and Identity in an Imperial Province, 778–987: 111 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 111)
Carpentier: "Los Pasos Perdidos": 36 (Critical Guides to Spanish Texts S.)
Carrots 'N' Cake: Healthy Living One Carrot and Cupcake at a Time
Carta a la madre y cuentos completos
Cartels, Markets and Crime: A Normative Justification for the Criminalisation of Economic Collusion (Antitrust and Competition Law)
Cartesian Geometry of the Plane