Anglo-Saxon Crucifixion Iconography and the Art of the Monastic Revival: 1 (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 1)
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 28 (Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 28)
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 36 (Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 36)
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 37 (Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 37)
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 40
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 42
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 43
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 44
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 46 (Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 46)
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 47
Anglo-Saxon Gestures & Roman Stage: 28 (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 28)
Angular Momentum in Quantum Physics: Theory and Application: 008 (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
Animal Anomalies: What Abnormal Anatomies Reveal about Normal Development
Animal Carvings in British Churches
Animal Cells as Bioreactors: 11 (Cambridge Studies in Biotechnology, Series Number 11)
Animal Communication Theory: Information and Influence
Animal Contests
Animal Ethics in Animal Research
Animal Experimentation: A Guide to the Issues
Animal Fables after Darwin: Literature, Speciesism, and Metaphor
Animal Friendships