Essentials of UMTS (The Cambridge Wireless Essentials Series)
Clinical Procedures for Medical Technology Specialists
The Selected Plays of Ben Jonson: Sejanus, Volpone, Epicoene Or The Silent Woman: 0001 (Plays by Renaissance and Restoration Dramatists)
A Short History of Cambridge University Press
Pro JavaScript with MooTools: Laerning Advanced JavaScript Programming (Expert's Voice in Web Development)
Inventing the Silent Majority in Western Europe and the United States: Conservatism in the 1960s and 1970s (Publications of the German Historical Institute)
Indecent Disclosure: Gilding the Corporate Lily
Inspire to Innovate: Management and Innovation in Asia
Reaganism, Thatcherism and the Social Novel
The Questioning Child: Insights from Psychology and Education
Resources for Teaching Shakespeare: 11-16
Cave Biology: Life in Darkness (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)
Citizenship and Antisemitism in French Colonial Algeria, 1870–1962
Astrobiology: Physical Origin, Biological Evolution and Spatial Distribution (Space Science, Exploration and Policies): Physical Origin, Biological Evolution & Spatial Distribution
Recasting Culture and Space in Iberian Contexts (SUNY series in National Identities)
Intellectual Origins of American Radicalism
Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy: The Attlee Years, 1945–1951: 3 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Economic History, Series Number 3)
QNotes for the MRCP with CD-ROM, Part 1: Pt. 1
The Weeping Time
Romanticism and the Rise of the Mass Public (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
The Mentally Disordered Offender in an Era of Community Care: New Directions in Provision
Authoring War: The Literary Representation of War from the Iliad to Iraq
The Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets (Cambridge Companions to Literature)