Analysing Older English (Studies in English Language)
The Plant Cell Cycle and Its Interfaces (Biological Sciences Series)
An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative Algebra: 47 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 47)
'Who Has the Youth, Has the Future': The Campaign to Save Young Workers in Imperial Germany
Population Production and Regulation in the Sea: A Fisheries Perspective
Korea's Democratization
Free Speech and Democracy in Ancient Athens
Gender and the Poetics of Reception in Poe's Circle (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
When Leaders Learn and When They Don't: Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung at the End of the Cold War (SUNY series in Global Politics)
The National Element in the Development of Fiscal Theory
The Cambridge Companion to African American Theatre (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Heart Rate Management in Stable Angina
The European Union: Economics and Policies
Neonatology and Blood Transfusion: 39 (Developments in Hematology and Immunology)
Social Security: Visions and Revisions: A Twentieth Century Fund Study
Ethical Issues in the Care of the Dying and Bereaved Aged (Death, Value and Meaning Series)
The Cultural Politics of Human Rights: Comparing the US and UK
A Nation of Immigrants
International Environmental Law Reports: Volume 3 (International Environmental Law Reports, Series Number 3)
Product Liability in Comparative Perspective (Essential Mathematics)
Exploring Virtuality Within and Beyond Organizations: Social, Global and Local Dimensions (Technology, Work and Globalization)
Redefining Human Rights in the Struggle for Peace and Development
Methods for Computational Gene Prediction
Congress, Progressive Reform, and the New American State