Federal Intervention in American Police Departments
Maternal-Fetal Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation
Terrorism and Torture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits
Modern and Postmodern Social Theorizing: Bridging the Divide
Supply Chain Management for Refurbishment: Lessons from High Street Retailing
Cold War Encounters in US-Occupied Okinawa: Women, Militarized Domesticity, and Transnationalism in East Asia
An Examination of Logical Positivism: Volume 14 (International Library of Philosophy)
Jesus and the Temple: The Crucifixion in its Jewish Context (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series)
Ultrafast Fiber Switching Devices and Systems: 12 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics, Series Number 12)
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of New York (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Cancer Metastasis: Biologic Basis and Therapeutics
Emergency Management of Infectious Diseases
Wake Up and Dream: Stepping into your future
Sex, Work and Professionalism: Working in HIV/AIDS (Social Aspects of AIDS)
Precision Cosmology: The First Half Million Years
Confronting the Internet's Dark Side: Moral and Social Responsibility on the Free Highway
Storms in Space
Evaluating Mental Health Services for Older People
Forced Saving: Mandating Private Retirement Incomes
Criticism and Dissent in the Middle Ages
The Cosmic Microwave Background: From Quantum Fluctuations to the Present Universe: 19 (Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics)
Political Culture and Institutional Development in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: World Making in the Tropics
The Political Economy of Pension Policy Reversal in Post-Communist Countries