German Unification and the Union of Europe: The Domestic Politics of Integration Policy
The Politics of Blackness: Racial Identity and Political Behavior in Contemporary Brazil (Cambridge Studies in Stratification Economics: Economics and Social Identity)
Parables and Conflict in the Hebrew Bible
Holy Sparks: Social Theory, Education, and Religion
The Attending Mind
An Introduction to Vascular Biology: From Basic Science To Clinical Practice
Foundations of Data Exchange
AIDS, Politics, and Music in South Africa: 42 (The International African Library, Series Number 42)
Portrait of the Family within the Total Economy: A Study in Longrun Dynamics, Australia 1788–1990
The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke 1671–1714 (Camden Fifth Series)
Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction
Isolated Pulsars
Catechisms and Women's Writing in Seventeenth-Century England
One Sweet Cookie: Celebrated Chefs Share Favorite Recipes
New Light on Boswell: Critical and Historical Essays on the Occasion of the Bicententary of the 'Life' of Johnson
The Shakespearean Archive: Experiments in New Media from the Renaissance to Postmodernity
Theory of Finite Simple Groups II: Commentary on the Classification Problems (New Mathematical Monographs)
Literature, Politics, and the English Avant-Garde: Nation and Empire, 1901–1918
Evidence and Innovation in Housing Law and Policy
European Commission Decisions on Competition: Economic Perspectives on Landmark Antitrust and Merger Cases
State and Nation Making in Latin America and Spain: The Rise and Fall of the Developmental State
Embodied Interaction: Language and Body in the Material World (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives)
Species Evolution: The Role of Chromosome Change
Bonapartism and Revolutionary Tradition in France: The Fédérés of 1815