Loggers and Degradation in the Asia-Pacific: Corporations And Environmental Management (Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies)
Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets
Mainstreaming Climate Change in Development Cooperation: Theory, Practice and Implications for the European Union
Markets and Mortality: Economics, Dangerous Work, and the Value of Human Life
Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices: Statistical and Econometric Applications
Medieval European Coinage: Volume 6, The Iberian Peninsula (Medieval European Coinage, Series Number 6)
Minilateralism: How Trade Alliances, Soft Law And Financial Engineering Are Redefining Economic Statecraft
Mints and Money in Medieval England
Mobilizing Money: How the World's Richest Nations Financed Industrial Growth (Japan-US Center UFJ Bank Monographs on International Financial Markets)
Modeling Ordered Choices: A Primer
Modern Economic Regulation: An Introduction To Theory And Practice
Money as God?: The Monetization of the Market and its Impact on Religion, Politics, Law, and Ethics
Networks and Institutions in Europe's Emerging Markets (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
New Directions in the Economic Theory of the Environment
Nonlinear Econometric Modeling in Time Series: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium in Economic Theory (International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics)
Nonlinear Statistical Modeling: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Essays in Honor of Takeshi ... Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics)
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics and Statistics: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in Economic Theory and ... Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics)
Ocean of Trade: South Asian Merchants, Africa and the Indian Ocean, c.1750–1850
Partisan Investment in the Global Economy: Why the Left Loves Foreign Direct Investment and FDI Loves the Left
Party System Change in Legislatures Worldwide: Moving Outside the Electoral Arena
Path Integrals and Hamiltonians: Principles and Methods
Perspectives on Labour Law (Law in Context)