Strategic Foundations of General Equilibrium: Dynamic Matching and Bargaining Games (Churchill Lectures in Economics)
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
The Business Community of Seventeenth-Century England
The Business of Waste: Great Britain and Germany, 1945 to the Present
The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 1 (The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain 2 Volume Hardback Set)
The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: Volume 2 (The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain 2 Volume Hardback Set)
The Cambridge History of Capitalism: Volume 1 (The Cambridge History of Capitalism 2 Volume Hardback Set)
The Decade of the Multilatinas
The Development of Swedish and Keynesian Macroeconomic Theory and its Impact on Economic Policy (Raffaele Mattioli Lectures)
The Divided Economy of Mandatory Palestine: 11 (Cambridge Middle East Studies, Series Number 11)
The Dynamics of Broadband Markets in Europe: Realizing the 2020 Digital Agenda
The Dynamics of Coercion: American Foreign Policy and the Limits of Military Might (RAND Studies in Policy Analysis)
The Dynamics of European Integration
The East German Economy, 1945–2010: Falling Behind or Catching Up? (Publications of the German Historical Institute)
The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets: Evolving Technology and Challenges for Policy
The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines
The Economics of Economists: Institutional Setting, Individual Incentives, and Future Prospects
The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Basic Guide
The Economy of Modern India: From 1860 to the Twenty-First Century (The New Cambridge History of India)
The European Company: Volume 2 (Law Practitioner Series)
The Eurozone Crisis: A Constitutional Analysis (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)
The First Knowledge Economy
The Law, Economics and Politics of Retaliation in Wto Dispute Settlement (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law)
The Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (World Trade Organization Legal Texts)