Private and Public Enterprise in Europe: Energy, Telecommunications and Transport, 1830–1990 (Cambridge Studies in Economic History - Second Series)
Quisling: A Study in Treachery
Red Nations
Reframing the Feudal Revolution (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)
Religion and Devotion in Europe (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)
Renaissance Florence: A Social History
Russia's Peasants in Revolution and Civil War: Citizenship, Identity, and the Creation of the Soviet State, 1914–1922
Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882
Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages
Science in Medieval Jewish Cultures
Secularization European Mind 19C (Canto original series)
Sex, Gender, and Episcopal Authority in an Age of Reform, 1000-1122
Soviet Women in Combat
Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich
The Cambridge History of Russia: Volume 2, Imperial Russia, 1689-1917
The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire c.500–1492
The Carolingian World (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)
The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the Ancien Régime (Past and Present Publications)
The De Re Militari of Vegetius: The Reception, Transmission and Legacy of a Roman Text in the Middle Ages
The Decline and Fall of Medieval Sicily: Politics, Religion, and Economy in the Reign of Frederick III, 1296–1337
The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War against the Jews: The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property
The Encyclopedia of European Migration and Minorities: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present
The Enlightenment (New Approaches to European History)
The French in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1266–1305