European Union Law Updating Supplement: Text and Materials
European Union Law: Text and Materials
European Union Public Law: Text and Materials
Euros and Europeans: Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society
Evolution of International Environmental Regimes: The Case of Climate Change (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
Exits, Voices and Social Investment: Citizens' Reaction to Public Services (Theories of Institutional Design)
Fairness in International Climate Change Law and Policy
Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha's Vineyard, 1600–1871 (Studies in North American Indian History)
Family and Gender Among American Muslims: Issues Facing Middle Eastern Immigrants and Their Decendants
FDR's Ambassadors and the Diplomacy of Crisis: From the Rise of Hitler to the End of World War II
Feminist International Relations: An Unfinished Journey: 77 (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Series Number 77)
Finding Pathways: Mixed-Method Research for Studying Causal Mechanisms (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
Foreign Affairs and the EU Constitution: Selected Essays
Formal Models of Domestic Politics (Analytical Methods for Social Research)
Forum Shopping in International Adjudication: The Role of Preliminary Objections (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
Foundation Myths and Politics in Ancient Ionia (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Foundations of Comparative Politics (Cambridge Textbooks in Comparative Politics)
Freedom Is Power: Liberty through Political Representation (Contemporary Political Theory)
Freedom, Repression, and Private Property in Russia
Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC)
From Liberalism to Fascism: The Right in a French Province, 1928–1939
From Ostpolitik to Reunification: West German-Soviet Political Relations since 1974: 85 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, Series Number 85)
Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics
German Anglophobia and the Great War, 1914ÔÇô1918 (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare)