The Dutch Revolt and Catholic Exile in Reformation Europe
The Early Textual History of Lucretius' De rerum natura (Cambridge Classical Studies)
The Emergence of Islam in Late Antiquity: Allah and His People
The Emergence of Numerical Weather Prediction: Richardson's Dream
The England of Piers Plowman: William Langland and his Vision of the Fourteenth Century
The English Fable: Aesop and Literary Culture, 1651-1740 (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-century English Literature & Thought) (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought)
The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense of Things (The Evolution of Modern Philosophy)
The Evolution of Modern Metaphysics: Making Sense Of Things (The Evolution of Modern Philosophy)
The First French Reformation: Church Reform and the Origins of the Old Regime
The Golem, Second Edition: What You Should Know About Science (Canto Classics)
The History Written on the Classical Greek Body (The Wiles Lectures)
The Humanist World of Renaissance Florence
The Image of St Francis: Responses to Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century
The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set: The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume 1
The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set: The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume 4
The Impact of Idealism: The Legacy of Post-Kantian German Thought: Volume 2 (The Impact of Idealism 4 Volume Set)
The Inquisition: A Global History 1478-1834 (Past and Present Publications)
The Invention of Tradition (Canto Classics)
The Iran-Iraq War: A Military And Strategic History
The Italian Army and the First World War (Armies of the Great War)
The Italian Renaissance State
The Jew, the Cathedral and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century
The Jewish Press and the Holocaust, 19391945
The Languages of the Jews