The Making of the Modern Canon: Genesis and Crisis of a Literary Idea (Vision, Division & Revision: the Athlone Series on Canons)
The Making of the Monastic Community of Fulda, c.744ÔÇôc.900 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)
The Many-Headed Muse: Tradition and Innovation in Late Classical Greek Lyric Poetry
The Material Culture of the Jacobites
The Material World of Ancient Egypt
The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy And Social Theory Of Human Rights
The Medieval Peutinger Map: Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire
The Monks of Tiron: A Monastic Community and Religious Reform in the Twelfth Century
The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals (New Approaches to Asian History, Series Number 5)
The Myth of Presidential Representation
The Native Languages of South America: Origins, Development, Typology
The New Middle East: Protest And Revolution In The Arab World
The New Muslims of Post-Conquest Iran: Tradition, Memory, and Conversion (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
The Origins of the Sh'a (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
The Outbreak of the First World War: Structure, Politics, And Decision-Making
The Poetry of Religious Sorrow in Early Modern England
The Political Diaries of the Fourth Earl of Carnarvon, 1857–1890: Volume 35: Colonial Secretary and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland (Camden Fifth Series, Series Number 35)
The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modern History)
The Politics of Crowds: An Alternative History of Sociology
The Politics of Prisoner Abuse: The United States and Enemy Prisoners after 9/11
The Politics of Religion in the Age of Mary, Queen of Scots: The Earl of Argyll and the Struggle for Britain and Ireland (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature
The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Britain