Language in Use: A Reader
Language Politics and Policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States
Language Regard: Methods, Variation and Change
Language Socialization in Classrooms: Culture, Interaction, and Language Development
Language Teacher Educator Identity (Elements in Language Teaching)
Language, Cohesion and Form (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Language, Culture, and Education: Challenges of Diversity in the United States
Language, Memory, and Aging
Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century: Linguistic Practices across Urban Spaces
Language: An Introduction To The Study Of Speech (Cambridge Library Collection - Linguistics)
Laparoscopic Urogynaecology: Principles and Practice
Large-Scale Convex Optimization: Algorithms & Analyses via Monotone Operators
Laser and Fiber Optic Gas Absorption Spectroscopy
Last Centuries of Byzantium
Last Kiss (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Last of the Great Scouts
Last of the Tasmanians, or the Black War of Van Diemen's Land
Last Words to Girls: On Life in School and after School (Cambridge Library Collection - Education)
Late Hellenistic Greek Literature in Dialogue (Greek Culture in the Roman World)
Late Roman Towns in Britain: Rethinking Change and Decline
Later Stoicism 155 BC to AD 200: An Introduction and Collection of Sources in Translation (Cambridge Source Books in Post-hellenistic Philosophy)
Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism
Latin American Literature in Transition 1800–1870: Volume 2
Latin American Literature in Transition 1870–1930