Latin American Literature in Transition Pre-1492–1800
Latin American Politics and Society: A Comparative and Historical Analysis
Latin American Popular Culture since Independence: An Introduction, Second Edition
Latin American State Building in Comparative Perspective: Social Foundations of Institutional Order
Latin and Greek Monasticism in the Crusader States
Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America's Largest Church
Lato Garmanna
Laughing at the Gods: Great Judges and How They Made the Common Law
Laurence Sterne and the Eighteenth-Century Book
Law and Administration (Law in Context)
Law and Authority in the Early Middle Ages: The Frankish leges in the Carolingian Period: 104 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 104)
Law and Economics of Contingent Protection in International Trade
Law and Economics of Possession
Law and Legacy in Medical Jurisprudence: Essays in Honour of Graeme Laurie
Law and Market Economy: Reinterpreting the Values of Law and Economics
Law and Philosophy in the Late Roman Republic
Law and Practice of Liability Management: Debt Tender Offers, Exchange Offers, Bond Buybacks and Consent Solicitations in International Capital Markets
Law and Precarity: Legal Consciousness and Daily Survival in Vietnam (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
Law and Religion
Law and Religion in Theoretical and Historical Context