Richard Strauss in Context (Composers in Context)
Rider: The Rider Quintet, Vol. 1 (Wesleyan Poetry)
Right to be Safe: Putting an End to Bullying Behavior
Rights and Civilizations: A History and Philosophy of International Law
Rights and Retrenchment: The Counterrevolution against Federal Litigation
Rigid Body Dynamics
Rigid Body Kinematics
Rigidity in Higher Rank Abelian Group Actions: Volume 1, Introduction and Cocycle Problem: 185 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 185)
Rilke: "Neue Gedichte": v. 14 (Critical Guides to German Texts)
Rings Related To Stable Range Conditions: 11 (Series In Algebra)
Rioting for Representation: Local Ethnic Mobilization in Democratizing Countries (Problems of International Politics)
Risk and Sociocultural Theory: New Directions and Perspectives
Ritual, Play and Belief, in Evolution and Early Human Societies
Rituals, Runaways, and the Haitian Revolution: Collective Action in the African Diaspora (Cambridge Studies on the African Diaspora)
Rivera: "La Voragine": 46 (Critical Guides to Spanish Texts S.)
Rix's Expert Psychiatric Evidence
RNA Interference, Editing, and Modification: Methods and Protocols: 265 (Methods in Molecular Biology, 265)
Roadblock Politics: The Origins of Violence in Central Africa
Roanne / Maçon: IGN.V142
Robert Boyle and the Limits of Reason
Roberto Bolaño In Context (Literature in Context)
Robustness Tests for Quantitative Research (Methodological Tools in the Social Sciences)
Rodez / Millau: IGN.V162