Rome and the Invention of the Papacy: The Liber Pontificalis (The James Lydon Lectures in Medieval History and Culture)
Rome in the Ninth Century: A History in Art (British School at Rome Studies)
Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on their Gods
Rome, China, and the Barbarians: Ethnographic Traditions and the Transformation of Empires
Rome: An Empire of Many Nations: New Perspectives on Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Identity
Ronald Dworkin (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
Ronald Reagan in Hollywood: Movies and Politics
Rosenzweig's Bible: Reinventing Scripture for Jewish Modernity
Rossini in Restoration Paris: The Sound of Modern Life (Cambridge Studies in Opera)
Rotation Sensing with Large Ring Lasers: Applications in Geophysics and Geodesy
Rough Crossings (Oberon Modern Plays)
Rough Justice: Citizens' Experiences of Mistreatment and Injustice in the Early Stages of Law Enforcement
Rousseau's Social Contract: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts)
Rousseau: "Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire": 35 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)
Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Routledge German Dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Worterbuch Elektrotechnik and Elektronik Englisch: Vol 1: ... (Routledge Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries)
Royal Childhood and Child Kingship: Boy Kings in England, Scotland, France and Germany, c. 1050–1262: 120 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 120)
Rubella Viruses (Perspectives in Medical Virology): Volume 15
Rulers, Religion, and Riches: Why the West Got Rich and the Middle East Did Not (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society)
Rules and Practices of International Investment Law and Arbitration (Law in Context)
Rules of Origin in International Trade