Structural and System Reliability
Structural Dynamics: Volume 50: Theory and Applications to Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Cambridge Aerospace Series, Series Number 50)
Structure & Succession of Fouling Communities (Oceanography & Ocean Engineering Series) (Oceanography and Ocean Engineering)
Structure and Performance of Manufacturing in Kenya (Studies on the African Economies Series)
Structured to Fail?: Regulatory Performance under Competing Mandates
Structures in the Universe by Exact Methods: Formation, Evolution, Interactions (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Student Bodies
Studies in Expansive Learning: Learning What Is Not Yet There
Studies in Logic and Probability (Dover Phoenix Editions)
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Canto Classics)
Studies in Roman Property: By the Cambridge University Research Seminar in Ancient History (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Studies in the Book of Ezekiel
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 4, Papers and Reviews 1982–1990: 004 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern)
Studying Bollywood (Studying Films)
Studying English Literature in Context: Critical Readings
Studying Primates: How to Design, Conduct and Report Primatological Research
Subjects of Experience (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy)
Sublime disorder: physical monstrosity in Diderot's universe (SVEC, January 2001): 2001:01
Substance Use Disorders: A Biopsychosocial Perspective
Subversive Institutions: The Design and the Destruction of Socialism and the State (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Successful Research Careers: A Practical Guide (Society for Research Into Higher Education)
Successful Science Communication: Telling It Like It Is
Succession Planning 2013/14