The Metaphysics and Mathematics of Arbitrary Objects
The Metaphysics of Consciousness: 67 (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, Series Number 67)
The Metaphysics of Terror: The Incoherent System Of Contemporary Politics (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy)
The Middle Class in Mozambique: The State and the Politics of Transformation in Southern Africa: 57 (The International African Library, Series Number 57)
The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires, and Republics in the Great Lakes Region, 1650–1815 (Studies in North American Indian History)
The Midwife and Society: Perspectives, Policies and Practice
The Military Commander's Necessity: The Law of Armed Conflict and its Limits
The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500–1800
The Milky Way Galaxy and Statistical Cosmology, 1890–1924
The Mind Map Level 3 Lower Intermediate (Cambridge Discovery Readers: Level 3)
The Mind of Jihad
The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder: The First Amendment and the Censor's Dilemma
The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview
The Monastic Landscape of Late Antique Egypt: An Archaeological Reconstruction
The Money Minders: The Parables, Trade-offs and Lags of Central Banking
The Moral Economy of the Countryside: Anglo-Saxon to Anglo-Norman England
The Moral Economy: Poverty, Credit, And Trust In Early Modern Europe
The Moral Foundations of Social Institutions: A Philosophical Study
The Moral Person of the State: Pufendorf, Sovereignty and Composite Polities
The Moral University
The Morals of Measurement: Accuracy, Irony, and Trust in Late Victorian Electrical Practice
The Mordell Conjecture: A Complete Proof from Diophantine Geometry: 226 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 226)
The Mortal Voice in the Tragedies of Aeschylus