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The New America: The End of the Beginning and the Rise of the Obama Generation
The New American Cultural Sociology (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)
The New Art of War: The Origins, Theory, and Future of Conflict
The New Astronomy
The New Atlantic Order: The Transformation of International Politics, 1860–1933
The New Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
The New Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The New Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
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The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 5
The New Cambridge History of the Bible: Volume 2, From 600 to 1450
The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 2, c.700–c.900 (The New Cambridge Medieval History, Series Number 2)
The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 5, c.1198–c.1300 (The New Cambridge Medieval History, Series Number 5)
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