Elementary Probability
Elements of Logical Reasoning
Enumeration of Finite Groups: 173 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 173)
Epistemic Game Theory
Filtering Complex Turbulent Systems
Finite Deformation Crystall Solids (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)
Fundamentals of Hyperbolic Manifolds: Selected Expositions: 328 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 328)
Geometry of Time and Space
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: v. 2 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Groups St Andrews 2005: Volume 2: v. 2 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Groups St. Andrews 2001 in Oxford: v. 1 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Guided Explorations of the Mechanics of Solids and Structures (Cambridge Aerospace Series, Series Number 25)
Handbook of Financial Data and Risk Information I: Volume 1: Principles and Context
Indra's Pearls
Induced Representations of Locally Compact Groups: 197 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 197)
Industrial Mathematics: Case Studies in the Diffusion of Heat and Matter (Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series)
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems: An Introduction to Dissipative Parabolic PDEs and the Theory of Global Attractors: 28 (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Series Number 28)
Insights into Game Theory: An Alternative Mathematical Experience
Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays
Introduction to Compact Riemann Surfaces and Dessins d-Enfants (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)
Introduction to Computational Chemistry
Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology: Volume 2, Nonlinear and Stochastic Theories (Cambridge Studies in Mathematical Biology, Series Number 8)