Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants
Introduction to Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Their Modules (Mathematics and Its Applications)
Introductory Lectures on Siegel Modular Forms: 20 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 20)
Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis
Lambda Calculus with Types (Perspectives in Logic)
Lattice Coding for Signals and Networks: A Structured Coding Approach to Quantization, Modulation and Multiuser Information Theory
Linear Algebra: Concepts and Methods
LMS: 100 Stopping Time Techniques (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
LMS: 178 Lower K- and L- Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
LMS: 223 Analytic Semigroups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography
Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices: Statistical and Econometric Applications
Measuring and Reasoning: Numerical Inference in the Sciences
Methods for Computational Gene Prediction
Modelling Financial Derivatives with MATHEMATICA ®
Modern Methods in Scientific Computing and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute and Seminaire De Math Eacute Matiques ... II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions Paperback and CD-ROM
Non-linear Modeling and Analysis of Solids and Structures
Nonlinear PDE's in Condensed Matter and Reactive Flows: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on PDEs in Models of Superfluidity, ... 3 July 1999 (Nato Science Series C: (closed))
Nonparametric Inference on Manifolds: With Applications to Shape Spaces (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs)
Nonparametric Techniques in Statistical Inference
Numbers and Functions
Numerical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
Numerical Methods of Statistics (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics)