Palestrina and the German Romantic Imagination: Interpreting Historicism in Nineteenth-Century Music (Musical Performance and Reception)
Portrait of a Castrato
Purcell Studies (Cambridge Composer Studies)
Rameau & Musical Thought Enlightmnt (Cambridge Studies in Music Theory and Analysis)
Ravel Studies (Cambridge Composer Studies)
Rhythms of Labour: Music at Work in Britain
Richard Wagner: Der Fliegende Holländer (Cambridge Opera Handbooks)
Rockers! Kings of the Road
Romantic Lieder and the Search for Lost Paradise
Schenker Studies 2: Cambridge Composer Studies
Schoenberg and Redemption (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism)
Schoenberg's Musical Imagination: 24 (Music in the Twentieth Century, Series Number 24)
Schoenberg's Transformation of Musical Language (Music in the Twentieth Century)
Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Music: Symmetry and the Musical Idea (Music since 1900)
Schubert's Late Lieder: Beyond the Song-Cycles
Sentimental Opera: Questions of Genre in the Age of Bourgeois Drama (Cambridge Studies in Opera)
Stefan Wolpe and the Avant-Garde Diaspora: New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, 23 (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, Series Number 23)
The Cambridge Companion to Conducting
The Cambridge Companion to Gilbert and Sullivan (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Liszt (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Mahler (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Pop and Rock (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Schumann (Cambridge Companions to Music)
The Cambridge Companion to Shostakovich (Cambridge Companions to Music)