Helmholtz and the Modern Listener
Histories of Heinrich Schütz: Musical Performance and Reception
Hugo Wolf and his MÂrike Songs
Instruments of Desire: The Electric Guitar and the Shaping of Musical Experience
Jazz Icons: Heroes, Myths and the Jazz Tradition
Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner
John Cage and David Tudor: Correspondence on Interpretation and Performance (Music since 1900)
John Lennon: The FBI Files (Moments of History S.)
Just My Soul Responding: Rhythm and Blues, Black Consciousness and Race Relations
Listening for Utopia in Ernst Bloch's Musical Philosophy
Metaphors of Depth in German Musical Thought: From E. T. A. Hoffmann to Arnold Schoenberg: 21 (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism, Series Number 21)
Modernism and Popular Music
Music and Decadence in European Modernism: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe
Music and the French Revolution
Music Criticism in Nineteenth-Century France: La Revue Et Gazette Musicale De Paris 1834-80
Music in Germany since 1968 (Music since 1900)
Music in Roman Comedy
Music Technology (Cambridge Introductions to Music)
Music, Culture and Social Reform in the Age of Wagner
Musical Creativity in Restoration England
Native American Song at the Frontiers of Early Modern Music (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism)
New Music at Darmstadt: Nono, Stockhausen, Cage, and Boulez (Music since 1900)
Opera in the Age of Rousseau: Music, Confrontation, Realism (Cambridge Studies in Opera)