Linking by Types in the Hierarchical Lexicon (Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism)
Living with Herds: Human-Animal Coexistence in Mongolia
Living with the Ancestors: Kinship And Kingship In Ancient Maya Society
Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy)
Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers from the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (Synthese Library)
Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets
Making Ancient Cities: Space and Place in Early Urban Societies
Markedness: Reduction and Preservation in Phonology: 112 (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 112)
Markets and Mortality: Economics, Dangerous Work, and the Value of Human Life
Martial Power and Elizabethan Political Culture: Military Men in England and Ireland, 1558–1594 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific
Max Weber's Politics of Civil Society
Maximum Entropy, Information Without Probability and Complex Fractals: Classical and Quantum Approach (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
Meaningful Action: Earl Stevick's Influence On Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)
Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation
Mediated Politics
Medically Assisted Death
Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope and Humor
Methods of Molecular Analysis in the Life Sciences
Migration, Refugee Policy, and State Building in Postcommunist Europe
Mixed Methods Social Networks Research: Design and Applications: 36 (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, Series Number 36)
Modernism and Time: The Logic of Abundance in Literature, Science, and Culture, 1880–1930
Morphological Typology: From Word to Paradigm: 138 (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 138)