Political Parties, Games and Redistribution
Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political Traditions
Politics and Theopolitics in the Bible and Postbiblical Literature (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Poor Relief and Welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I
Pop Art and the Contest over American Culture
Power and the Church: Ecclesiology in an Age of Transition
Practical Reasoning in a Social World: How We Act Together
Pragmatics and Non-Verbal Communication
Primate and Human Evolution (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology)
Primate Tourism: A Tool for Conservation?
Print Culture in Early Modern France: Abraham Bosse and the Purposes of Print
Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines (IAU C199) (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)
Process Tracing: From Metaphor to Analytic Tool (Strategies for Social Inquiry)
Professional Discourse
Pronouncing Shakespeare: The Globe Experiment
Race and British Electoral Politics
Rebels within the Ranks: Psychologists' Critique of Scientific Authority and Democratic Realities in New Deal America (Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology)
Reforming Ideas in Britain
Register, Genre, and Style (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
Religion and Society in Middle Bronze Age Greece
Religion at Work in a Neolithic Society: Vital Matters
Religious Networks in the Roman Empire: The Spread of New Ideas
Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook - Constructions of Femininity in England
Reparations and Victim Support in the International Criminal Court (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)