The Political Economy of Competition Law in China
The Political Economy of Defence
The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960–2000: Volume 2 (The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960–2000 2 Volume Hardback Set)
The Political Economy of European Security
The Political Economy of Financial Regulation (International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation)
The Political Economy of Health and Healthcare: The Rise of the Patient Citizen
The Political Economy of Merchant Empires: State Power and World Trade, 1350–1750 (Studies in Comparative Early Modern History)
The Political Economy of Pension Policy Reversal in Post-Communist Countries
The Political Economy of Power Sector Reform: The Experiences of Five Major Developing Countries
The Political Economy of Public Finance: Taxation, State Spending and Debt since the 1970s
The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance
The Political Economy of Shopkeeping in Milan, 1886–1922 (Past and Present Publications)
The Political Economy of State-Society Relations in Hungary and Poland: From Communism to the European Union
The Political Economy of Taxation in Latin America
The Political Economy of Terrorism
The Political Economy of Terrorism: Second Edition
The Political Economy of the Abe Government and Abenomics Reforms
The Political Economy of the American Frontier (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)
The Political Economy of the Eurozone
The Political Economy of the Kurds of Turkey
The Political Economy of the Kurds of Turkey: From the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic
The Political Economy of the Small Welfare State in South Korea