Bioactive Oligosaccharides: Production, Biological Functions & Potential Commercial Applications (Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine Series)
Bioarchaeological and Forensic Perspectives on Violence: How Violent Death Is Interpreted from Skeletal Remains: 67 (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Series Number 67)
Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology)
Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton: 69 (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Series Number 69)
Biochar: A Regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation
Biodegradation of Cellulose Fibers (Bacteriology Research Developments)
Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies
Biodiversity and Human Livelihoods in Protected Areas: Case Studies from the Malay Archipelago
Biodiversity Conservation, Law + Livelihoods: Bridging the North-South Divide: IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Research Studies
Biodiversity Economics: Principles, Methods and Applications
Biodiversity in Dead Wood (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)
Biodiversity in Trust: Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in CGIAR Centres
Biodiversity of Coasts (Biodiversity - Macmillan Library)
Biodiversity, Sustainability and Human Communities: Protecting Beyond the Protected
Biodiversity: The Abundance of Life (Studies in Biology)
Bioethics and Biopolitics in Israel: Socio-legal, Political, and Empirical Analysis
Bioethics and the Future of Stem Cell Research
Bioethics in Action (Cambridge Bioethics and Law)
Bioethics in Perspective: Corporate Power, Public Health and Political Economy
Bioethics, Medicine and the Criminal Law (Cambridge Bioethics and Law)
Bioethics: An Introduction