The Structure of Spoken Language: Intonation in Romance
The Structure of the Atmosphere in Clear Weather: A Study Of Soundings With Pilot Balloons
The Structure of the Sun
The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)
The Struggle for Constitutional Power: Law, Politics, and Economic Development in Egypt
The Struggle for Equality: India's Muslims and Rethinking the UPA Experience
The Struggle for Market Power: Industrial Relations in the British Coal Industry, 1800–1840
The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text: Twentieth-Century Editorial Theory and Practice
The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text: Twentieth-Century Editorial Theory And Practice
The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands: From The Rise Of Early Modern Empires To The End Of The First World War
The Struggle for the Streets of Berlin: Politics, Consumption, and Urban Space, 1914–1945
The Struggle is My Life
The Struggle Over Borders: Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism
The Stuart Constitution, 1603–1688: Documents and Commentary
The Stuarts in Italy, 1719-1766: A Royal Court In Permanent Exile
The Student's Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language
The Student's Introduction to MATHEMATICA ®: A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear Algebra
The Study Guide for General Practice Training (Radcliffe Professional Development S.)
The Study of American History: Being the Inaugural Lecture of the Sir George Watson Chair of American History, Literature and Institutions
The Study of Behavior: Organization, Methods, and Principles
The Study of Change: Chemistry in China, 1840–1949 (Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture)
The Study of Chemical Composition: An Account Of Its Method And Historical Development With Illustrative Quotations: Volume 668